(not 1st Tuesday of month)
@ Forest United Church
1-3 p.m.
moved to Saturday, February 22
@ 8:00 a.m.
The Men's Breakfast usually meet the 4th Saturday of the month at 8:00 a.m. Let Mike or Doug know you are planning to attend. All are welcome.
Held most 4th Saturdays
of the month.
Next gathering
Sat., February 22 ,2025
from 1-3 p.m.
ALL skill levels welcome...knitters and crocheters.
Held most months, last Saturday.
We have yarn available for all.
Craft Club
next craft night
Fri., March7,2025@7pm
Held the 1st Friday of most months.
See our Facebook page for details.
JIGGS Dinner
Kitchen Party
Sat., March 1, 2025
6:00 p.m.
@ Forest United Church
Tickets $20 adults, $8 kids
call 519-786-2514
Entertainment to tickets needed just for that.
Used eye glasses-Lions Club
Pop cans-wheelchairs
Used stamps-Canadian Bible Society
Leave in foyer basket, drop off at office, or put in the locked box outside door under the canopy.
Come early for a coffee and snack before church and after for a time of refreshment and fellowship.
Thanks Holly & Doug
for being our hosts!
Church Services at North Lambton Lodge
1st Sunday of month @ 9:30 a.m.
Contact Rev. Jeff Smith at
“The people in North
Lambton have been so
generous to us. We are
deeply grateful to everyone
for their support. God Bless.”
Monica, Contact House
Contact House is our local foodbank.
We are grateful for their work
in the community.
All food items are accepted. You may make delivery on Tuesdays directly to them at the Shores Arena on Amtelecom Parkway in Forest or there is a basket in the foyer of our church for your donations.
Financial donations are also accepted...make cheques directly out to Contact House. They may be left in the locked mailbox just outside the main doors under the drive thru canopy or deliver to Debbie at the office during office hours.
Thank you for your generosity.
Rev. Jeff offers communion in your home if you have difficulty getting out. He would be delighted to visit.
Rev. Jeff Smith
Forest United Church wants to take a moment to thank all of the dedicated essential and frontline workers.
We see you.
We appreciate you.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
We currently have several prayer shawls that are available. If you know someone who would benefit from one, please feel free to contact Brenda Scherer at 519-786-4188 or Arrangements can be made for delivery, if you are concerned about doing that yourself.
Yarn is available for anyone wanting to participate in this project.
Brenda, Liz and her crew are wonderful ambassadors of this ministry.
The "Little Library" at Forest United is ready & waiting to share the gift of reading with our community. Located on Jefferson Street side.
Thank you to those who made this dream a reality.
You are invited to take and leave inspirational and spiritual books!
Happy reading!
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Show Your Small Businesses Some Love!
Gathering for Prayer on Zoom .
Wednesdays at 7:00 p.m.
Please contact
Brenda Scherer at 519-786-418
for more info.
Created by Jean McPherson