Together with Contact House (our local food bank), St. Christopher's Catholic Parish, St. James Presbyterian Church & Christ Church (Anglican) we meet in fellowship over lunch and a speaker to prepare for the upcoming special seasons of the Church.
Our large, beautiful Sanctuary is a serene place of worship for all manner of family events...baptisms, funerals and weddings. Our hall can accommodate family gatherings and events. Contact the office for up-to-date information.
Book & Bible Studies happen throughout the year. Please join us.
We are blessed with dedicated choir members, who are always challenging themselves with a variety of musical selections and genres. Practice is Thursday night at 7:00 p.m. in the Sanctuary. New members are always welcome.
A variety of programs and activities are hosted by the CE Committee throughout the year including: S.P.Y. (Spirit Powered Youth) a.k.a. Sunday School, Caring & Sharing Campaign at Thanksgiving and their Lenten Project. We are blessed with a dedicated group of teachers and helpers. A large library is available to all which includes many titles for children, men and women.
Our keen crafters meet monthly on the 1st Friday to embark on new projects and share their skills. Please let Lisa Harrower or Brenda Scherer know if you are coming (through Facebook is good) so they may have enough supplies on hand.
We wouldn't be a rural United Church if we didn't know how to cook & enjoy food. Men's Breakfasts, meat pie fundraisers, soup & sandwiches, butter tart sales & UCW Bazaar are some of the many times we enjoy food and fellowship.
Weekly, peace and companionship join together with members of our congregation as they gather to pray by zoom specifically and generally. Also a confidential prayer chain is available. Grief support is also offered specifically a couple of times a year.
Many areas of worship, fellowship and service are available for women of our congregation and community. Knitters & Crocheters meet, UCW meets monthly and a yearly Ladies' Retreat is held.
The Men's Breakfast usually meet the 4th Saturday of the month at 8:00 a.m. Sign up sheet is in the Narthex or please let Mike or Doug know you are planning to attend.
The Memorial Tree was hand crafted by our members and has been placed in the Narthex to provide an opportunity for people of the present and future congregation, family members and loved ones of Forest United Church to see the names of those worshiped here before and to reflect upon their lives. It is a beautiful visual tribute to our past.
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.” Mark 12:31
Funds raised are used to support many local, national and international projects. In 2024 we donated $26,485.15 to Mission & Service through the United Church of Canada.
We work diligently to keep a focus on outreach to our community and abroad through fundraisers and small acts. Our Outreach Committee, Visitation Committee, Card Convenor and countless unknown acts of kindness serve those in need.
We have a devoted group of ladies who make prayer shawls for those experiencing loss of loved ones, health concerns, tragedy and loneliness. Please contact the office if you would like to pick one up for a loved one, friend or neighbour.
"To unite all women of the congregation for the total mission of the church and to provide a medium through which they may express their devotion to Jesus Christ in Christian witness, study, fellowship and service." The UCW are an active group of women who meet regularly for fellowship and worship, cater to special events, provide luncheons for funerals, maintain the church kitchen and support the ongoing work of the church. They meet on the 1st Tuesday of each month at 1:00 p.m. in the hall or parlour. All women are invited to join these women at their meetings.
The Unified Board is comprised of committees to carry on the day-to-day tasks that enable us to carry out our motto: "Follow the Spirit, Reach out in Love, Trust God".
Advent Lunches
Anniversary Celebration
Ash Wednesday Service with Anglican's
"At the Table" Gatherings
ARWR UCW Annual Gathering
Beef Supper
Bible Study
Blessing of the Backpacks
Broadview Magazine Distribution
Canada Helps
Canadian Foodgrains Bank
Card Convenor for Congregation
Christmas for Everyone Lambton County
Church Building for Christmas Village
Church Library
Circles Lambton
Contact House...our local food bank
Cradle Roll
Craft Club
Decorating Committee
Dietician Training
Euchre for Community
Focus on Forest Newsletter
Free Facility Use for Non-profit Groups
Funerals & Funeral Lunches
Gathering to Pray
Good Friday Worship Service
Guess Who's Coming to Dinner
Habitat for Humanity
Home Communion
Hooks & Needles
Inn of the Good Shepherd
Lakeside Seikido
Lambton County Developmental Services (LCDS)
Lambton United Church Centre
Lambton United Church Centre Camp Fund
Lenten Lunches
Little Library
Live Streaming Worship Services
Meat Pie Fundraisers
Memorial Tree Dedications
Men's Breakfasts
Mission & Service of The United Church of Canada
Mission & Service Fund In Memoriam
Mitten Tree Collections
Movie Night at Kineto
My Tribute
Music Sunday
NeighbourLink Sarnia-Lambton
North Lambton Community Health Centre
North Lambton Lodge Sunday Services
Pathways for Children Sarnia-Lambton
Prayer Chain
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Pulled Pork Fundraiser
Rebound Sarnia-Lambton
Remembrance Day (wreath) through Legion
Rev. Jeff's Covenanting Service
Safe Food Practices Training
St. Joseph’s Hospice
SMGH (Strathroy Hospital) MRI Donation
Soup & Sandwich Meals
Sponsored Free Skating at Arena
Student (Boxes) Envelopes
Sunday Coffee Time
Twin Pines Wiener Roast & Scavenger Hunt
UCW Bazaar
United Church Women (UCW)
Unified Board
Vacation Bible Camp
Visitation Committee
Welcoming/Homecoming Sunday
Women’s Interval Home
Women's Retreat
Yard Sale
Thank you for your generosity and commitment to helping others.